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Address by Prime-MinisterArsenii Yatseniuk at the extraordinary Ukraine-EU Summit, where political part of the Association Agreement was signed
23 março 2014 12:25

Distinguished heads of states and governments! This is a historic day for my country and we believe that this is a historic day for the entire Europe. We want to be a part of big European family and this is the first tremendous step in order to archive for Ukraine its ultimate goal as a full-fledged membership.

My county faces a number of challenges both economic, political and military. And signing this treaty we will show to the entire world that we are together, that Ukraine shares the European values and that we can be successful together.

We do understand that this is a very bam period. But that’s our job to deliver everything that Ukrainian people were fighting for.

It started as protests, pro-European protests. And let me commemorate those who gave their lives for this treaty too and for our freedoms and liberties and for our European future.

So, on behalf of the Ukrainian Government let me that we are sure that together we will succeed that Ukraine will be a positive showcase after this signature.

We support your decision to apply unilaterally trade measures that will support Ukrainian economy and will support our bilateral trade.

A lot of things need to be done and we will do everything that we can in order to make Ukraine prosperous and in order to make the European Union and Ukrainian relations as best as they could be.


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